Service Uptime Guarantee in Cloud Website Hosting
If you get a cloud website hosting plan from our company, we guarantee that your sites are going to be functioning at least 99.9% of the time. We've virtually got rid of the web hosting server downtime by using an advanced cloud hosting platform where individual sets of servers handle each part of the overall service - files, databases, e-mail messages, and so forth. In that way, should there be an issue with a web server, the other machines within the cluster will simply take over and your sites will not be affected the slightest bit. In order to avoid any infrastructure complications, we also have diesel backup generators and several independent Internet providers. Skilled professionals keep track of the servers 24/7 to sort out any software problems that may appear while software and hardware firewalls shall prevent DDoS attacks against the servers.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our semi-dedicated server plans offer a 99.9% uptime warranty. As a matter of fact, you will not detect any downtime or service disruptions at all because of the fact that we employ a cutting edge cloud platform and instead of managing everything on one server as most companies do, we have separate clusters of web servers that control each and every service - files, e-mails, Control Panel, databases, and so forth. We have a custom made load-balancing system, so our website hosting service is considerably more stable than what you'd typically find available. To make certain that nothing will disturb the work of your sites, our web server facilities have diesel backup generators and a few separate Internet providers. We've got software and hardware firewalls to stop DDoS attacks and administrators monitoring the web servers 24/7 to tackle any software issue that may appear.
Service Uptime Guarantee in VPS Web Hosting
The network uptime shall never be a problem when you get a virtual private server through us. The physical hosting server in which your account is going to be created will be up and running at least 99.9% of the time which includes maintenance procedures, so you will be able to take advantage of a speedy and very secure Internet hosting service at all times. To prevent any potential for service disruptions, our data centers use multiple Internet suppliers and powerful diesel generators to make sure that nothing will affect the good work of your Internet sites. We've got a crew of competent administrators which will resolve immediately any software issues that might appear, while hardware issues are averted through the use of new and carefully tested server parts and hard disk drives working in RAID. In the eventuality of DDoS attacks, we have hardware and software firewalls to filter the unwanted traffic to your hosting server.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Servers Hosting
While we cannot control what you do with your dedicated server, what offline software and / or script-driven apps you install on it or when you reboot it, we can make certain that it's going to be accessible a minimum of 99.9% of the time. Your hosting server will be located in our state-of-the-art facility at the heart of Chicago and its uptime and availability will be guaranteed by powerful diesel backup generators and redundant Internet providers, so no outages or any other infrastructural troubles shall affect the proper work of your sites at any time. Our expert group of system admins will ensure that if your server freezes for some reason, it'll be rebooted immediately. To avoid any possibility of equipment failures, we're going to give you a server with new and extensively tested hardware components to make certain that your sites are up and running no matter what.