The term "disk space" may also be labeled as "disk quota" or "data storage", however all these terms mean the same thing - the amount of information that you'll be able to upload to a cloud website hosting account. The full size of what you have is determined by accumulating the space used by the overall content within your account, the most apparent being the files you upload. Two other things are commonly disregarded by many people, though - e-mails and databases. Larger attachments and databases of huge script-driven websites will often need a lot of disk space too. To use a more common analogy, the disk space of your PC is consumed not only by files you download, but additionally by documents you write and programs you add. In the same way, various things are counted for the hdd space that your data needs on a web site hosting server, in addition to the uploads.

Disk Space in Cloud Website Hosting

Our cloud website hosting plans were made with the notion that shortage of hard disk space cannot be a thing that will reduce the growth of your sites. That is why we've used a technique which is different from the one that most hosting companies apply - instead of just generating all of the accounts using one server and eventually not having enough disk space, we employ a cloud hosting platform where the storage is handled by an entire collection of servers. In this way, we are able to install more machines when they are needed or more hard disks, to be able to supply additional disk space for all of the files of our customers. Separate clusters manage the email messages and the databases, therefore not only is it possible to increase the size of your web sites without having to worry about hard drive space, but also all the servers will perform faster and better as each service does have its space for storage and a single server doesn't handle different kinds of files.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you acquire a semi-dedicated server plan from us, you'll not have to worry about the hdd space that you can use for the basic reason that this attribute is unlimited. In contrast to many other website hosting suppliers that advertise an identical service, yet set up accounts using a single machine where a limited number of hard drives can be attached, we make use of an innovative cloud system which uses groups of servers. All your files will be kept on a single cluster, your emails on a different one, the databases on a third one etc. This kind of platform has two significant advantages - first, the hard disk storage can never finish as we'll install more servers to each cluster that needs them, and second, the servers will operate much more efficiently because they'll control just a single type of system processes. A semi-dedicated server plan provides you the convenience to expand your websites as much as you want.

Disk Space in VPS Web Hosting

With all of our Linux VPS web hosting, we offer plenty of disk space for all of your content that matches the other server capabilities, consequently a more expensive plan includes a bigger allowance. You can use the storage as you can see fit, because there are no particular allowances for the site files, databases or emails - they all share the total hard disk space on the server. Of course, when you'd rather have some limits, you'll be able to obtain your VPS plan with cPanel or DirectAdmin as the hosting Control Panel, and you'll be able to create website hosting accounts with a restricted amount of hdd storage for each individual domain that you host on the server. If you'd like to have more space at some time, you're able to effortlessly boost your plan with several clicks and the additional characteristics will be added to your existing account, so that you will not have to migrate anything at all and all your sites will remain operational.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers Hosting

Because of the hdd storage space that we offer with all of our Linux dedicated servers hosting, we guarantee that you'll be able to manage any type of web site whatever its proportions. You will get at least 500 GB storage, which you're able to take advantage of as you see fit - even for private file storage. As standard, you'll have two separate HDDs, which can be employed independent of each other, to use their entire storage capacity, or they can be in RAID so that one will mirror the other one in real time to make sure that you will not waste important data in the event of a hardware breakdown. We also give you the opportunity to include additional hard drives to increase the full disk storage at your disposal even further. This makes it possible for you to make a file or image storage portal without a problem if you'd like. With the DirectAdmin and cPanel hosting Control Panels that we offer, you'll be able to make an independent account for each website that you host on your server and define a quota for the storage it will be allowed to use. When you select the third solution, our in-house Hepsia Control Panel, all of your domains will be operated in a single and they will share the whole server disk storage space.