USA Data Center

A top-of-the-line USA data center

i-webhost’s Linux semi-dedicated servers are located in a world-class USA based datacenter that is situated in Chicago, Illinois. It provides fantastic connectivity with the rest of the world, meaning that all websites and web applications running on our US Linux semi-dedicated servers will be ensured top data transfer rates.

The USA based datacenter delivers excellent web hosting conditions that helped us utilize our own internal network with unique computer hardware setup. Additionally, network stability is warranted by a team of experts who do server supervision and troubleshooting 24x7x365.

USA Data Center

Web Site Control Panel

Coordinate your sites with a simple click of your mouse

It’s now very easy to take control of your sites with the new–generation Best Web Applications that we have designed exclusively for you with intuitiveness in mind. Coordinate your documents with effortless drag–and–drop actions, register, transfer and take control of many different domains from one and the same location, set up email accounts right away, run email list promotions with ease, set up and open your databases with a click, keep an eye on site statistics right away, etcetera). Enhanced tools like a framework installer, an .htaccess generator and a hotlink protection application are integrated as well.

Web Site Control Panel

Increased CPU quotas

Considerably more power for your web apps and web sites

A semi-dedicated server is designed to offer you far more resources as compared to a shared website hosting package, but in the same simple to use package with no server management needed. Also, since on a semi-dedicated server there are less people than on a typical website hosting server, this suggests not simply additional assets for your websites but additionally increased security for your online presence.

i-webhost’s Linux semi-dedicated servers include enhanced CPU use allocations, rendering them a fantastic alternative for your resource-consuming sites and apps.

Increased CPU quotas

Increased MySQL queries

Host dynamic MySQL tables effortlessly

Because of the modern server partition concept made by our administrators, we can easily allocate an abundant quantity of database queries to your web sites. This will help you take care of multi-media sites with sizeable databases that will be frequented regularly by a great number of customers. Should you have a busy database powered web site that continues to grow on a daily basis, you’d better take into consideration switching to a Linux semi-dedicated server well before you start going over the limits on your shared hosting platform.

Increased MySQL queries

Web Accelerators

A super easy method to increase the speed of your websites and web apps

The Web Accelerator Applications (Varnish, Memcached and Node.js) integrated into the Best Web Applications, will noticeably quicken up your resource–hungry multimedia webpages. They’re made to cache the information on your web sites and so reduce the volume of lookups to the database server or the API. This helps your webpages load noticeably faster than ever before and will allow you to attract more happy website visitors, which leads to lower bounce rates.

Web Accelerators

NVMe Drives

NVMe–powered semi-dedicated hosting

All of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting feature NVMe drives rather than typical harddrives. NVMe drives provide speedier read/write data transfer rates, which means that your site will stream a lot quicker. No supplementary web page changes are demanded.

Considering the terrific connectivity solutions offered by our USA based datacenter your website will start working faster the minute you move it to us.

NVMe Drives

Remote MySQL Access

Get connected to your data bases from another location

Typically, a database may exclusively be contacted by web sites that are made in the same account as the database. However by using our Remote MySQL feature, you can easily allow data base access to virtually any host that you choose. This could be extremely helpful if you own multiple e–commerce stores and want to share a shopper database among them all

Remote MySQL Access

24x7 Support

E–mail us at any time

You may e–mail us 24/7 with any problems that you might have related to our Linux semi-dedicated hosting. Do not hesitate to email us via email and by the ticket system and we will respond to you in as much as 1 hour. In reality, our normal reply time period is as low as 20 min. On trading days, you may phone us or use the live chatting program on our online store.

24x7 Support

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Safety–improved Linux–type servers

i-webhost’s servers are based on a safety–enhanced Linux version, which makes them very protected and stable. We have put in a lot of time and hard work in constructing a protected network that can potentially hold up against large hacking or DDoS assaults without triggering disruptions to the website hosting system and discrediting your site’s operation.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Faster Performance

Extremely fast data transfer rates for all of your sites

We have boosted the system data transfer to as much as 10 Gbits in order to ensure better online connectivity as well as super fast data transfer speeds for all of your websites. Besides that, we have put in extra servers in order to shorten server upkeep operations and to lessen website downtimes. Our semi-dedicated hosting offer you NVMe hard disks, that have shown to be much faster and more long–lasting than the common HDDs.

Faster Performance