We provide you with a drag & drop File Manager, featuring a number of easy–to–work–with tools like a built–in graphic viewer and a variety of file editors. You can make immediate uploads, archive/unarchive files, adjust permissions and a lot more. The resources are well–organized and easy to browse through with huge action keys and right–click context navigation. Find out more about the various instruments and capabilities integrated in the i-webhost File Manager.
Drag ’n’ drop file uploads
The most straightforward way to add data files
Submitting data files with an FTP tool is an out–of–date and really insecure method for transporting data files from your desktop machine or notebook to a hosting server. This is why, we have integrated drag–and–drop data file upload support in the File Manager. Just pull the data files that you want to add from your desktop computer into your browser and they will begin to upload in your web hosting account over a safe SSL connection.
You do not have to install any additional computer software, web browser add–ons or programs. The drag–and–drop functionality works equally well on Windows, Mac or Linux.
Right–click context menus
Control your files with just a click of the mouse
The vast majority of File Managers specify all the actions that one can perform over a file or directory at the top of the page. We believe this is not user–friendly enough. Using the File Manager, you can get all file administration options any time you right–click a file or folder. This approach is also valid for a lot of files/folders.
It is possible to rename, copy, move, download, edit, preview, archive, unarchive and delete every file or directory you select with merely a click of the mouse.
Archive/Unarchive files
Take care of archives with simply a click
The File Manager offers a built in archive/unarchive option that can help you add big archives and then extract them into your cloud hosting account blazingly fast. When compressing a file or folder, it is possible to select the name of the archive which is to be created and its extension – .ZIP, .RAR or .TAR.GZ. In addition, it’s possible to archive active files or folders with simply a mouse–click.
The archive/unarchive solution offered by the File Manager helps you to handle big files straight from your Web Site Control Panel. You don’t need to employ any third party software just like an FTP client in an effort to upload a substantial file onto your account or to download any archive in your desktop.
Online file editors
The quickest way for you to customize your files
i-webhost’s File Manager allows you to change your files on the web server never having to download, transform after which re–upload them. You are able to update your files straight away on the Internet, employing i-webhost’s built–in editors. We supply a code editor equipped with syntax emphasizing for your .PHP or .JS files, a WYSIWYG editor for HTML files, and also a regular text editor for more competent customers.
You have access to every single file editor making use of the right–click context menus. All of the alterations made to the files will be shown straight away online – you can directly preview them inside your web browser.
A logical folder structure
All your files organized with an uncomplicated approach
The File Manager lists all of the files and directories in a clear and understandable alphabetical arrangement. Each of the files related to the different hosts are arranged into individual folders which are titled after their individual domain names, so you can effectively identify them. This is actually useful when you are controlling a range of web sites at the same time. There isn’t any possibility to get lost or to feel bewildered amidst the variety of data files and folders within your account.
To access the files within a specified host, simply select it from the drop–down navigation at the top of the file table. As an alternative, you’ll be able to double–click on its directory and you’ll be instantaneously brought to a table showing its files exclusively.
A user–friendly interface
A File Manager created for real people
Working with all of your files is instinctive and uncomplicated making use of i-webhost Web Site Control Panel. You will have a file control setting that is very close to your personal computer’s file explorer. You can drag and drop files and take care of all of them with a right click of the mouse. When using the built in review solution, you can observe photographs exactly like they will show up online, and through the designed file editors you can easily make adjusts to your files instantly.
Any time you need support taking care of your files, you’re able to take a look at the massive selection of posts and how–to educational videos, that you can access using a click of the mouse.
Work with multiple files
Change various files concurrently
When using the i-webhost File Manager, it’s possible to choose a lot of files or directories like you do on your own computer. Simply keep pressed the Control (Command for Mac OS) key and click on the desired files/folders. In case you would like, to select a good amount of files/folders at the same time, simply click a single file/folder, press the Shift key and click on any other file or folder.
When you have chosen each of the files that you want to, it is possible to drag them to a specified directory, or use the right–click contextual menu to check out a list of the available features.
1–click password protection options
The easiest way to take care of your details
Password protection is the best option to constrain the means to access a specialized part of your site you don’t need to be visible to everyone. For example, this could be a safe and secure members’ area or, perhaps a location with copyrighted information that you like exclusively selected people to reach.
From your File Manager it is easy to password–secure your website as well as a certain directory inside it with a mouse–click. Simply right–click a folder, choose Password Protection and specify the login name and password. There’s no need to manage .htaccess files as well as to create any other adjustments. From now on, simply the website visitors which have your user name and pass word will access your site.