We recognise the fact that you can have important information on your virtual or dedicated web server, and for this reason we offer an optional backup upgrade you can easily add at any time. While shared web hosting servers are backed up frequently by all Internet hosting service providers, this is not the case for standalone machines, so unless you keep a copy of your files on your laptop or computer, you risk losing vital info in case something goes wrong - deleting something unintentionally or updating a script-driven application unsuccessfully, for instance. With our additional service, we'll generate a backup of your info on another hosting server as to make perfectly sure that we shall have a good copy all of the time and that we can restore everything the way it was before the predicament turned up. The optional upgrade will help you take care of your content without having to worry about possible failures of any kind.

Weekly Backup in VPS Web Hosting

The backup upgrade can be acquired for all Linux VPS web hosting we offer no matter the disk space they provide or how much of it you actually employ. You can add it at any time, so if you would like our system to make a copy of the info you have on the machine from the very beginning, you can select the upgrade on the order page, while in the event that you decide that you wish to use it once your websites are already set up, you can order it with a couple of clicks from your billing Control Panel. As we will keep a copy of everything you create or upload on the server every week, we will be able to restore any content immediately. The backups are part of our Managed Services pack, so you could choose if you would like only this upgrade or to have your content backed up as part of a number of other maintenance services.

Weekly Backup in Dedicated Servers Hosting

We offer weekly backups for each dedicated server, so no matter what Operating System or hosting CP you select or what content you upload, we are able to keep a copy of your information on a separate server and restore it when you need it. The upgrade supply you with 50 gigabytes of disk space which you can use and you'll be able to get it whenever you want with a few mouse clicks. If you wish to have backups right away, for instance, you'll be able to order the service together with the dedicated server, while if you need it later on, you can add it to your package from the billing area. Even though all hardware parts are tested thoroughly, a software issue may surface at any time, so using our backup service shall give you far more security, especially if you have important info on the machine. You can use this service as a part of our Managed Services package as well along with a number of other hosting server management services which will make the administration of your dedicated web server much easier.