To possess a fast loading website, you need to have a plain and well structured backend code. Inside the Web Site Control Panel, you can find a number of instruments that may help you boost your web site’s overall performance without needing to edit anything within the back–end code. The Web Accelerator Applications – Node.js, Memcached and Varnish won’t just enable you to present faster streaming speeds to your visitors and consequently lessen site exit percentage, but also will take your site higher in the search engine results positioning.

To utilize the Web Accelerator Applications, merely log in your Web Site Control Panel and create an instance for the accelerator you want.


RAM–caching in place of data–base requests

When you have a data–base–loaded site or app, and data base queries tend to slow up the effectiveness, this can be really discouraging to the site visitors as well as the web application users. Searching for an answer normally can demand a considerable amount of time. However, within the i-webhost Web Site Control Panel, you will find a solution for you.

Memcached is a simple, yet high–performance distributed memory object caching system, that collects data and objects in the RAM. By doing this, the database–saved info on your website does not need to be requested every time a website visitor opens the very same page.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–memorizing rather than HTTP calls

You’ll find many strategies to increase the speed of a website, but most of these require a developer to edit the code. Luckily, there are more convenient alternatives for quickening a web site, such as the Varnish web accelerator built into the Web Site Control Panel.

Varnish is web application accelerator, which keeps HTTP calls within the RAM and sends them to the site visitor as an alternative for waiting for the web server to send them. Trials reveal that utilizing Varnish on a web site as well as an app usually hurries up loading speeds with a 300 – 1000x factor. Varnish can also be configured how to deal with incoming queries – whether they must be served by Varnish, by the server, etcetera.

Hepsia File Manager


Make adaptable web applications without trouble

Node.js delivers an advanced encoding platform for creating flexible web apps and websites in record time. It could be used for almost everything – from handling API requests, streaming files as well as parsing e–mails to transforming pictures, audio files, videos and office docs.

It is powered by the Google V8 JavaScript engine and makes use of an event–driven, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes it streamlined and efficient. Additionally, Node.js has a substantial loyal community that makes steady enhancements for the program and is at all times able to assist.

Hepsia File Manager