When you obtain a virtual or a dedicated server, you'll be able to use it not just to host your individual Internet sites, but, in addition to resell hosting plans to other people. This will help you make good money, due to the fact that the number of people who build their first website increases and the need for hosting services is growing every year. Other than the server itself, you will need a merchant account with some payment processor, which will enable you to accept transactions on the web, as well as a payment app to link each of them. Using your own server means to have extra control when compared to the ordinary hosting reseller programs. If, for instance, a client wishes to run some script which requires a certain application to be present on the server, there won't be any problem to install it on a virtual or a dedicated machine, but it'll be not possible to do that on a shared server where all reseller accounts are generated. With minimum effort and investment, you'll have the opportunity to start a successful hosting business on your own and to become a part of the ever expanding web hosting market.

Reselling Options in VPS Web Hosting

The Linux VPS web hosting which we offer include several hosting Control Panels to select from and two of them are ideal for creating your own website hosting business, due to the fact that they have a client plus a reseller side. DirectAdmin and cPanel are one of the most well-liked Control Panels available and they will help you set up everything right away. All of the cPanel-equipped servers come with two extra bonuses free of cost - a domain reseller account with eNom - one of the largest registrars, which doesn't involve the deposit which is normally required if you subscribe directly with them, plus a billing/support solution named ClientExec, which will connect your web site to the cPanel reseller account and that will help you charge your clients and to supply them support via an internal ticketing system. The full root-level access to the virtual server will enable you to do pretty much anything you want, so launching and managing a prosperous hosting company of your own will be a fast and easy project.

Reselling Options in Dedicated Servers Hosting

We supply powerful Linux dedicated servers hosting that will enable you to launch a reseller business in a couple of simple steps. Our packages are different with regard to price and resources, and you can pick the most suitable one depending on the number of clients you want or expect to have. Because you will have root-level access, you'll be able to adjust any setting or set up any server-side software you need. There're three hosting Control Panels you are able to select from on the registration page - DirectAdmin, cPanel and Hepsia. You can use the first two, because they have both client and reseller back-ends, and with DirectAdmin you may even have resellers of your own. cPanel doesn't feature this functionality, but with each and every dedicated server acquired with this Control Panel we provide two freebies - a domain reseller account with eNom, which is one of the largest domain registrars out there, and ClientExec, a powerful billing and support platform that will allow you to provide ticket support, to set up web hosting packages and collect payments over the Internet.