Speed up your site with a a Linux Semi-dedicated Servers In The USA.

If you think that your cloud hosting account is not really a decent service for personal or business site, but a dedicated server is too expensive and too tricky to deal with, you’ll be able to make the most of our US–based semi–dedicated servers.

A Linux semi-dedicated hosting is a a one–of–a–kind mix between a cloud website hosting account and a Linux dedicated servers hosting giving the the best of the two worlds. It provides the strength of a dedicated server (but without the regular server management tasks), through an easy–to–use Web Site Control Panel that comes with all cloud hosting plans right after you sign up.

And because of their uniqueness, our semi–dedicated servers are available only in the USA based datacenter. It was actually the first data center where we’ve been in a position to install our unique cloud hosting platform plus it offers unrivaled power and cooling possibilities. We also have created a custom–made internal network using enterprise–class Juniper routers and switches. This is how we can easily guarantee a 99.9% network uptime with all our Linux Semi-dedicated Servers In The USA

One of the many advantages of our US–based semi–dedicated servers is the i-webhost Web Site Control Panel. It is featured cost–free with all of our semi–dedicated servers and has been meant to be running in the cloud. In this manner, we free your server from having to power up the Control Panel and your web sites together. You can use the whole server energy just for your websites. In addition, the Web Site Control Panel is bundled with free tools and bonuses that can boost your online presence.

Other US Hosting Services

Our USA based datacenter is also home of a number of other web hosting services apart from our USA based semi–dedicated servers. We supply cloud hosting packages built around an unparalleled cloud hosting platform. Each Cloud Website Hosting In The US package comes with a free domain name and unlimited disk space & traffic allocations. You could also consider our Linux Virtual Private Servers In The USA, which feature NVMe storage offering unrivalled file access speeds. You can opt for a Linux Dedicated Hosting Servers In The USA – the top web hosting solution in case you have a live video streaming website or a CPU–intensive web application.