Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Do not be worried about your sites hosted on our cloud platform

We’ve built our very own cloud website hosting platform where performance reliability is the prime concern. Because the load is uniformly distributed between several servers, your sites will keep loading incredibly quick even in the event of the hosting server is overloaded. This also suggests that the web hosting platform is much less susceptible to hack or denial–of–service assaults.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Solid–State Drives

Immediately boost your web site’s speed

If you would like to give your website a top speed boost, all you need to do is just to host it with us. Our cloud website hosting servers boast solid–state drives, so on every single physical server you’ll take full advantage of unmatched read & write speeds, which will make your web site blazing–fast.

Thanks to the superb connectivity provided by all our cloud hosting Data Center Facilities, your site will begin to load significantly quicker without the need for any modifications on your end.

Solid–State Drives


A safe and secure web application firewall software

Guard all your web apps (Wordpress, Joomla, PrestaShop, etc.) against hacker assaults with ModSecurity. ModSecurity is a firewall program designed to protect web applications against hack assaults. We’ve set up the firewall software in such a way as to impede all widespread site assaults immediately. By default, ModSecurity is enabled for all domains, but you may disable it for any web site you would like.


99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

A 99.9 percent network uptime in the US, in Europe and in Australia

Keeping your sites accessible online 24–7–365 is our top priority. We have created our very own cloud website hosting platform whereby the server load is being divided evenly between a couple of hosting servers to guarantee that your websites will stay up and running even when a particular physical machine is overloaded. Our 99.9 percent uptime guarantee is valid for all data center facilities that we work with – in America, in the European Union and in Australia.

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

Multiple Data Centers

Always offer the best site loading speeds for all your target visitors

The data center facility location has a direct influence on your site’s load speed, thus, by picking a facility that’s as near as possible to your visitors, you can truly ensure the smoothest Internet browsing experience for them. We provide you with a choice of datacenters on three continents – Steadfast in Chicago, Illinois, USA; Pulsant in Maidenhead, UK, Ficolo in Pori, Finland, Telepoint in Sofia, Bulgaria and Amaze in Sydney, Australia. They all offer a dependable and riskless cloud website hosting environment with a round–the–clock server monitoring service and a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

Multiple Data Centers

Remote MySQL Access

Remotely connect to your MySQL database

If you happen to have a database that you want to share across a group of web sites hosted on different web hosting servers and with separate web hosting vendors, you are able to take full advantage of our user–friendly and quick Remote MySQL feature. With it, you’ll be able to provide access to your database to different web sites that you choose. This is invaluably helpful if you have a customer database that you wish to share between a number of online stores.

Remote MySQL Access

A Database Manager

A one–stop database administration solution.

Using the Database Manager included in the Web Site Control Panel, you can effectively and quickly control all your databases. You can create your new databases with just several clicks of the mouse. We also offer precise MySQL usage statistics that will show you your most–used databases

And we’ve developed a software tool that allows you to back up any of your databases with just a click of the mouse, without the need to log in to the phpMyAdmin graphical user interface.

A Database Manager

Web Accelerators

A collection of tools to boost your websites’ speed

Integrated in the Web Site Control Panel you will find a collection of Web Accelerator Applications intended to speed up your dynamic, database–powered sites. By caching content, these software tools significantly reduce the number of times a database is referred to and hence optimize the server load. This will help your web sites load faster and will lower the bounce rates. You can select between a number of web accelerators – Varnish, Node.js and Memcached.

Web Accelerators

  • Service guarantees

  • i-webhost’s plans come with absolutely no installation charges together with a 30 day reimbursement guarantee. Our average response time is usually twenty minutes.
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  • Easily examine the allocations and capabilities offered by our website hosting deals. See which plan provides you with precisely what you will need to set up and deal with your sites effortlessly.
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  • Get hold of us anytime during business hours Monday to Friday for just about any pre–sale or common queries about our service. Give us a call at any moment.